We all love great deals for cheap prices and that’s why we head to Dollar Tree. So here are 3 tips for your next shopping trip to help you save money, make money and to find better deals.
1. Coupons
Although items are already $1, you can save yourself some more money when you use coupons. Before heading to the store, just make sure you’re familiar with the Dollar Tree coupon policy. When purchasing items, make sure size and details on product match the coupon criteria. Check for Dollar Tree coupon match ups here.
2.Check multiple stores
Have you ever gone into Dollar Tree and not find what you were looking for? Well, inventory by store differs so browse numerous locations in your area to see which one carries the greatest selection of items for you!
3. Cash back apps
These apps offer redeemable rebates at Dollar Tree, once again just make sure the product details match the offer. When you use coupons on top of rebates, your $1 item could even make you some money. Check out these apps here.
We all love Dollar Tree because they offer items at $1 or less but even then you could still save yourself some money by applying these 3 tips on your next shopping trip. So browse your local Dollar Tree stores, find the location that offers the best items, search for coupons ahead of time and your $1 trip could turn into a money maker. Along with these tips, couponmom.com also helps in matching printable coupons daily to your local grocery stores.