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Stephanie Nelson - CouponMom

Cut Your Grocery Bill In Half! with Stephanie Nelson, The Coupon Mom

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5 Essential Tips for Traveling

5 Essential Tips for Traveling

Traveling on a budget can be tough but here we have some of the best travel hacks to make it easier. Check out our list below:

1. Make sure to let your bank and credit card companies know you will be traveling

  • Avoid having your account blocked and give your bank and credit card company a heads up on where you will be traveling so they do not put a hold on your account for suspicious activity.

2. Roll your clothing to make more room in your suitcase

  • This technique is great because it allows you to fit more into your suitcase. When clothing is rolled compactly and not thrown into a bag you will end up having a lot more space. This works especially well for bulky items like jeans and tshirts.

3. Plan a trip and start saving right away

  • It will be easier to save when you have motivation and a goal to work towards. Planning a trip can be fun, every time you have loose change or saved money on your weekly grocery/drugstore trips, take that money and move it into your travel budget. Using coupons can help you save a ton! You can print coupons from home here and check out our store deals lists to see other ways you can save on your weekly shopping trips. Then every time you get your receipt check the bottom to see how much you saved during that trip to the store and put that money aside for travel.

4. Set a budget for your trip and stick to it

  • Before you leave on your trip, set a budget to help make sure you don’t overspend on your trip. By planning ahead, you’ll avoid overspending.

5. Do you research

  • Most likely other people have gone on a similar trip before so make sure to read reviews so that you know the best sights to see, places to avoid, and how to get the overall bang for your buck.

Happy Travels!
