cut your grocery bill in half and feed the hungry, too!
cut your grocery bill in half and feed the hungry!
Cub Scouts sell items for charity at a Kroger charity table!
Girl Scouts sell items for charity at a Kroger charity table!
Take a Field trip to your grocery store and buy food for charity--make it fun to see how far you can stretch your dollars to get the most food!

Earn the Hunger Patch for Girl Scouts or the Scouting for Food badge for Boy Scouts with the program. Earn Community Service hours too.

Buying food for charity with Kids Cut Out Hunger is a fun, educational, and rewarding experience. It teaches how to help others in our community as well as math, shopping, budgeting, and money skills. Look at your store's Best Deals list to see how easily we can buy groceries with loose change!
  • Shop individually with your parents: Find the grocery coupon circulars from the Sunday paper. They say "Smart Source" or "Valassis" across the top. Do not cut out the coupons, just write the date they came out on the front and save them.  Decide how much you have to spend, make a list of items that add up to that amount, and cut out the coupons needed. Many good deals do not require coupons at all.  Some weeks there are good items that are free with a coupon! 

  • Get some friends together from your neighborhood, class, Scout group, etc. and do a Charity Sale Table. In just a couple of hours, you can help feed many families. A single family could do it for a Saturday project.

  • Middle school and high school students can help their families save on groceries and learn a valuable life skill that will save them thousands of dollars over their lifetime. Students can check their store's Best Deals list each week, identify items their family uses, find the coupons and add it to the weekly shopping list. Parents, split the savings with your student, and put the other half in a savings account towards a long-term goal like college or a down payment for their first home. First-time web site users report typical savings of $50 to $75 per week--it can add up! 
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