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This is an interactive database listing all of the grocery coupons that have come out in the newspaper. Save the entire newspaper coupon circular each week, writing the date on the front, to be able to find coupons easily without having to cut them all out. Then use this database and select your state to find the coupons you need.
You need to use the Sunday newspaper to access these coupons -- get a subscription here and save up to 75%. There are usually no coupon inserts on holiday weekends.
Coupon codes explained: The coupons are noted by date and the first initial of the circular's name in our Newspaper Coupon Database. For example, a coupon that came out on February 12th from the Save circular would say, "2/12SV" and a coupon that came out on the same date from SmartSource would say "2/12S". If there are 2 circulars from the same company that week, which happens a few weeks a year, we number the circulars. You would see "2/12 S1" and "2/12 S2". Procter and Gamble circulars (PG) appear once a month.
To print coupons, use our Printable Grocery Coupon Page here
Watch our video tutorial to learn how to use the easy features of our Grocery Coupon Database
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