Staples Coupon Archive: All Deals & Printable Coupons

CouponMom has listed thousands of deals over the years from Staples. This is our archive of deals and printable coupons for this store, allowing you to compare them with recent offers. If the coupon date has expired, we will also show related deals and new printable coupon offers on the page. Find what the stores have offered before, and get closer to what you are looking for on this list. Or let us send the offers to you - sign up for CouponMom and get all the newest coupons and deals from Staples sent directly to you, so you do not need to look through the lists. View the latest Staples Coupons here, or view other stores such as Costco, Office Max and Sam's Club

  1. We will no longer be updating Staples match up lists. Click on the link for Staples Deals This Week Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $1.00, % Saved: 0%
  2. Donut Shop Coffee K Cup Pods 46 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $19.99, % Saved: 33%
  3. Dunkin Donuts Coffee K Cup Pods 44 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $19.24, % Saved: 36%
  4. Werthers Candy 34 oz Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $8.99, % Saved: 18%
  5. Jolly Rancher Candy 3.75 lb Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $7.99, % Saved: 27%
  6. Twizzlers Candy 105 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $7.99, % Saved: 20%
  7. Staples 8.5x11 inch Multipurpose Paper 5 ream case Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $12.99, % Saved: 59%
  8. Duracell AA or AAA Batteries 20 or 24 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $11.99, % Saved: 33%
  9. Shredding Services 1 lb Final Price (All Savings Per Item): Free, % Saved: 100%
  10. Shredding Services 1 lb Final Price (All Savings Per Item): Free, % Saved: 100%
  11. Kleenex Viva Paper Towels 12 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $11.00, % Saved: 31%
  12. Febreze Air Effects 2 pk Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $4.79, % Saved: 10%
  13. Clorox Wipes 75 ct, 20% Off Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $4.15, % Saved: 20%
  14. Charmin Ultra Bath Tissue 18 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $18.99, % Saved: 21%
  15. Scott 1000 Bath Tissue 27 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $18.99, % Saved: 10%
  16. Puffs Tissues 6 pk Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $9.49, % Saved: 37%
  17. Kleenex Tissues 4 pk Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $4.49, % Saved: 36%
  18. Paper Mate Flair Felt Tip Pens 4 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $5.00, % Saved: 41%
  19. Expo Magnetic Dry Erase Markers 4 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $4.00, % Saved: 50%
  20. Pilot G2 Gel Pens 5 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $5.00, % Saved: 38%
  21. Bic Cristal Pens 24 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $4.00, % Saved: 38%
  22. Bounty Paper Towels 12 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $21.99, % Saved: 15%
  23. Clorox Wipes 35 ct 3 pk Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $6.99, % Saved: 13%
  24. Duracell AA or AAA Batteries 16 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $10.99, % Saved: 22%
  25. Hersheys Candy 40 oz Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $9.99, % Saved: 23%
  26. Bic BU3 Pens 18 ct, Buy 1 Get 1 40% Off Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $8.19, % Saved: 29%
  27. Staples 8.5x11 inch Multipurpose Paper 10 ream case Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $31.99, % Saved: 45%
  28. Staples 8.5x11 inch Multipurpose Paper 5 ream case Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $16.99, % Saved: 47%
  29. Staples 8.5x11 inch Multipurpose Paper 500 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $4.99, % Saved: 40%
  30. Scott Paper Towels 8 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $9.99, % Saved: 23%
  31. Staples 8.5x11 inch Multipurpose Paper 500 Sheets Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $4.99, % Saved: 40%
  32. Staples 8.5x11 inch Multipurpose Paper 5 ream case Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $16.99, % Saved: 47%
  33. Staples 8.5x11 inch Multipurpose Paper 10 ream case Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $31.99, % Saved: 45%
  34. Nestle Water 8 oz 24 pk Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $2.49, % Saved: 29%
  35. Pringles 18 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $7.99, % Saved: 20%
  36. Haribo Gold Bears 22.8 oz tub Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $8.99, % Saved: 25%
  37. Duracell AA or AAA Batteries 16 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $8.99, % Saved: 36%
  38. Scott 1000 Bath Tissue 12 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $9.49, % Saved: 21%
  39. Sunshine Cheez Its 20 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $7.99, % Saved: 20%
  40. Staples 8.5x11 inch Multipurpose Paper 10 ream case, Buy 2 Get 1 Free Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $38.66, % Saved: 33%
  41. Shredding Services 1 lb Final Price (All Savings Per Item): Free, % Saved: 100%
  42. Sharpie Chisel Tip Markers 4 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $3.45, % Saved: 43%
  43. Poly Envelopes Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $1.00, % Saved: 71%
  44. Staples 8.5x11 inch Multipurpose Paper 500 ct, Buy 2 Get 1 Free Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $5.53, % Saved: 33%
  45. Staples 8.5x11 inch Multipurpose Paper 5 ream case, Buy 2 Get 1 Free Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $21.33, % Saved: 33%
  46. Kleenex Tissues 4 pk Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $4.49, % Saved: 36%
  47. Scott Paper Towels 15 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $15.99, % Saved: 16%
  48. Dixie Cutlery Keeper 80 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $15.99, % Saved: 11%
  49. Scott 1000 Bath Tissue 20 ct Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $16.99, % Saved: 15%
  50. Febreze Air Effects with Gain 2 pk Final Price (All Savings Per Item): $4.79, % Saved: 10%

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